Nick's Nerd News

Nerd Unfiltered

About the show

You might not have asked for it, but here is a podcast that will bring you News about nerd culture, raw and unfiltered. Let Nick take you on a magical journey through Video Games, Movies, Comics and other geeky things.
Theme Song: Science Fiction Movie, Var. 3(instrumental) - Royalty Free Music Maker

Nick's Nerd News on social media


  • Episode 84: The Golden Games Awards

    December 18th, 2019  |  59 mins 22 secs
    amazon, arrowverse, call of duty modern warfare, crisis on infinite earths, dceu, disney, disney+, final fantasy, fortnite, ghostbusters, james gunn, john wick, keanu reeves, kingdom hearts, loot crate, minecraft, mlb the show, movies, netflix, play station, pokemon, rick and morty, shazam, star wars, the game awards, the golden globes, the mandalorian, the matrix, the office, tv shows, video games, xbox, xbox series x

    Oh you want reward show coverage? you got it both the game awards and the Golden Globes. Also we finally know the name of the next XBOX. plus unsurprising news about Modern Warfare. Amazons LOTR show looses an actor. Crisis recap. Netflix, DCEU news, Keanu Day, Loot crate and more.

  • Episode 83: Depends on who you ask...

    December 11th, 2019  |  1 hr 2 mins
    black widow, call of duty, comics, cyberpunk, dc universe, dceu, disney+, dr. disrepect, free guy, harley quinn, james bond, knives out, mcu, movies, mulan, next xbox, nickelodeon, playstation, reno 911, sony, spawn, star wars, the batman, the mandalorian, tony hawks pro skater, video games, vr, wb, wonder woman, xbox

    Nick is back? This week we got a doozy of an episode. More #releasethesnydercut drama. Is the Simpsons ending? The Mandalorian news. Disney+ stuff, Is Harley Quinn worth watching? More Tony hawk on the way? And also a review of Knives out.

  • Episode 82: Game Roy Color

    December 4th, 2019  |  41 mins 18 secs
    activision, anime, black friday, blizzard, comics, cyber monday, diablo 4, geeks, japanese animation, mixer, movies, nerds, playstation, sales, star wars, streaming, tech, twitch, video games, xbox, youtube

    Our Guest host Roy takes us on an adventure through his nerdy experiences. Yes Roy cant take you down a rabbit hole and rant about a subject just like me. So this week we have Star Wars scrip woes, Anime, Diablo 4, steaming sites. Plus a little bit about Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

  • Episode 81: I have spoken, about a lot of

    November 27th, 2019  |  44 mins 40 secs
    amazon, arrow, comics, dceu, disney, fallen order, frozen, half life vr, james bond, joker, mission impossible, movies, netflix, playstation, pokemon, ps5, stadia, star trek, star wars, steam, superman, sword and sheild, the game awards, the mandalorian, tv shows, valve, xbox, xbox project scarlett

    This is the way. A very star wars centric episode, as it is in all of our major focuses this week. Also the game awards, toyota back in racing games, NETFLIX, arrowverse, baby yoda, bob burgers, james bond, DCEU, star trek, and more.

  • Episode 80: The house of mouse plus electric mouse

    November 20th, 2019  |  1 hr 5 mins
    anthem, arrowverse, brooklyn 99, comics, dc comics, dceu, disney+, gamepass, halo mcc, halo reach, marvel, mass effect, mcu, movies, netflix, nickelodeon, nintendo switch, pokemon, ps4, release the snyder cut, respawn, scoob, sin city, sonic the hedgehog, spongebob, stadia, star wars, star wars jedi:fallen order, the batman, the mandalorian, tv shows, video games, xbox, xbox xo19, yoda

    Well Disney+ is out, and The Mandalorian is probably the best thing to happen to Star Wars in a long time.

  • Episode 79: #releasethegamefreakcinema

    November 13th, 2019  |  59 mins 2 secs
    #releasethesnydercut, arrow, batman, comics, death stranding, disney, disney+, geeks, halo, harry potter, james dean, lego, lootcrate. spider-man, mcu, movies, nerd, nintendo, pokemon, ps4, scorsese, showtime, snyder cut, sony, star wars, starz, switch, the arrowverse, the mandalorian, tv shows, twitch, video games, weeds, xbox

    Well this week seems like a placeholder until Disney+ drops, and Pokemon comes out.

  • Episode 78: Blizz who? Oh wait they announced what?

    November 6th, 2019  |  46 mins 54 secs
    ant-man, arrowverse, blizzard entertainment, blizzcon, call of duty, cod, dceu, diablo 4, ea, game of thrones, geeks, hbo maxx, mcu, movies, nerd, netflix, overwatch 2, playstation, project scarlett, snyder cut, sonic the movie, south park, star wars, the batman, the witcher, tv shows, ubisoft, video games, xbox

    YEET! Spooky time is over, onward to the rest of fall! This week includes Blizzcon news, EA makes some announcements, HBO Maxx has a price, and D&D leave Star Wars.

  • Episode 77: Its a spooky Podcast

    October 30th, 2019  |  52 mins 52 secs
    arrowverse, call of duty, cinema, dc, disney+, fast and furious, gamer, geek, joker, jurassic park, last of us 2, loot crate, mcu, modern warfare, movies, nerd, playstation, podcast, rick and morty, star wars, tv shows, ubisoft, video games, wonder woman, xbox

    Well its Halloween season! This week its back to business as usual. But we have a Lootcrate reveal...finally

  • Episode 76: Extra Super Duper Episode Part 2 - Lets all go to the movies

    October 26th, 2019  |  39 mins 21 secs
    arrowverse, black adam, clerks 3, deadpool, disney+, elton john, even stevens, fantastic 4, hbomax, joker, lucifer, marvel, marvel studios, mcu, movies, murder mystery, pixar, pixel 4, ryan reynolds, spider-man, studio ghibli, the batman, the lion king, the matrix, the rock, tv shows, venom 2, x-men

    This is part two of a two part episode covering two weeks worth of action packed Nerd news. This episode focuses mainly on the movie news of the past two weeks, with some TV and tech news to book end the episode.

  • Episode 75: Extra Super Duper Episode Part 1 - Its in the games

    October 23rd, 2019  |  38 mins 31 secs
    atari, blizzard, cassian andor, doom, epic games, evo japan, fat pickachu, fortnite, fresh prince, heartstone, hong kong, io, jedi: fallen order, lady gaga, league of legends, netflix, pokemon, ps4, ps5, rick and morty, riot games, snl, star wars, steam, stranger thins, super smash, the boys, the walking dead, tv shows, ubisoft, video games, walking dead

    This is part one of a two part episode covering two weeks worth of action packed Nerd news. This episode focuses mainly on the gaming news of the last week, with some TV news sprinkled in at the end.

  • Episode 74: Send in the Clowns

    October 9th, 2019  |  1 hr 9 mins
    ash ketchum, birds of prey, bungie, clerks 3, comics, dcu, destiny 2, disney plus, ghost recon, harley quinn, james bond, joker, lost in space, marvel, microsoft, mixer, movies, netflix, ninja, nintendo switch, overwatch, picard, pokemon, ps4, snyder cut, sony, spider-man, square enix, star trek, star wars, surface, tom clancy, tom holland, tv shows, twitch, ubisoft, video games, xbox one

    We got a Video game heavy episode, but that's OK, it ends with a bang with a review of Joker. We also got a lot of Pokemon news, a dump of tidbits out of New York Comic Con, like a new Picard trailer, and also some possible game changers over at Disney+

  • Episode 73: The Force is coming this Friday

    October 2nd, 2019  |  1 hr 8 mins
    apple, arrow, arrowverse, batman, cod, comics, crisis on infinite earths, dceu, force friday, google, marvel, mcu, microsoft, movies, netflix, obi wan, pokemon, ps4, shooters, sony, spider-man, star wars, superman, the emmys, tv shows, video games, xbox one

    Is the CoD exclusivity backlash warranted or is it just built up frustration? Google wants to compete with Apple Arcade. The Emmy's happened...last week. Obi Wan finds a new master. The future is female for the Arrowverse. Spidey is back yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and updates on the Batman. Also a lot of new Star Wars toys are releasing this weekend.

  • Episode 72: Ad Eundum

    September 25th, 2019  |  52 mins 51 secs
    ad astra, anthem, arrow, batman, battle at big rock, cod, comics, death stranding, e3, game of thrones, geeks, ghostbusters, joker, jurassic park, jurassic world, mcu, movies, narcos, nerds, netflix, playstation, pokemon, princess bride, seinfeld, smallville, switch, tv shows, video games, xbox

    This week we get down and dirty with Death Stranding news. Batman Day celebrations. CoD Modern Warfare Beta reactions. A new Pokemon, a smallville reunion. NBC announces its streaming service, A Battle at Big Rock, and of course the review of Ad Astra.

  • Episode 71: Don't get too attached

    September 18th, 2019  |  41 mins 48 secs
    apple, apple arcade, apple iphone, ash ketchum, cod, dark knigh returns, death stranding, disney afternoon, disney+, ducktails, face/off, gargoyles, htc vive, indiana jones, iphone, iphone 11, kingdom hearts, loot crate, lotr, margot robbie, mario, marvel, movies, netflix, pokemon, rescue rangers, resident evil, stephen king, suicide squad, tailspin, the witcher, tv show, video games, x-men

    News on Death Stranding, and other stuff from Tokyo Game Show. DBZ RPG news. Super Nintendo World announcements. Is the Witcher premiering in December? Disney + to get the best of Disney Afternoon. Ash wins a Pokemon league tourney. Face/Off getting remade? RIP movie pass. The Suicide Squad gets a cast. An apple announces a new Iphone, AppleTV+, and Apple Arcade. That plus LotR Loot Crate.

  • Episode 70: Ulitmate Podcast Series: NNN

    September 11th, 2019  |  50 mins 22 secs
    bad boys for life, cyberpunk 2077, gears of war, geeks, hbo, kojima, lootcrate, lotr, mission impossible, movies, nerds, nintendo, playstation, pokemon, smugglers bounty, suicide squad, tmnt, tom raider, tv shows, video games, watchmen

    OH we got a doozy on our hands today. Gears News, PlayStation trying to drop some "knowledge" on us. HBO sets a premier for Watchmen, Bad Boys gets a trailer , LOOTCRATE and more.

  • Episode 69: Ughh, Milk was a bad choice

    September 4th, 2019  |  52 mins 4 secs
    batman, bill and ted, cyberpunk, disney, geeks, halo, halo outpost discovery, james bond, kenobi, lucasfilm, mobile games, nerds, pokemon, primal, ps4, tartakovsky, telltale, ubisoft, uncharted, video games, xbox

    Halo Outpost Discovery, Cyberpunk News, The Joker getting amazing praise, Suicide Squad News and mobile games lead the news.