Nick's Nerd News

Nerd Unfiltered

About the show

You might not have asked for it, but here is a podcast that will bring you News about nerd culture, raw and unfiltered. Let Nick take you on a magical journey through Video Games, Movies, Comics and other geeky things.
Theme Song: Science Fiction Movie, Var. 3(instrumental) - Royalty Free Music Maker

Nick's Nerd News on social media


  • Episode 100: At home together

    April 8th, 2020  |  54 mins 52 secs

    ITS OUR 100TH EPISODE MY DUDES!!! This week as the pandemic affects our lives in more then 1 way. Final Fantasy VII is still coming, while the Last of Us II is delayed into oblivion. Are classic Marios making a comeback? Tiger King takes over the world, Rick and Morty is back sooner then you think. Star Wars Disney+ shows have some esplanin to do. Ant-Man 3 will up the comedy, the MCU shifts its dates, and the SXSW film festival is going digital.

  • Episode 99: Social Distancing 101

    April 1st, 2020  |  44 mins 38 secs
    aquaman 2, cbs all access, cex, dceu, disney+, evil dead, falcon and winter soldier, gamestop, mad max, mcu, modern warfare, mortal kombat, movies, next gen consoles, nintendo, nintendo direct, pleasemarveldc, pokemon, ps5, sega, solar opposites, star trek, star trek pircard, steve carrell, super smash bros, the mandalorian, the office, tv shows, video games, walking dead, westworld, xbox series x, youtube

    Well as we enter another week of forced social distancing and stay at home orders, we can all listen to another episode of Nick talking about whatever he damn well feels like. From the Nintendo Mini Direct, to new announcements from Square and Epic. New Disney+ news, a review of the finale of Picard. ESPN has resorted to showing movies, Aquaman 2 should have a killer story, and #pleasemarveldc

  • Episode 98: Flatten the Curve

    March 25th, 2020  |  53 mins 11 secs
    amc theaters, cannes, cats, console wars, corona-virus, covid-19, dc comics, dceu, disney, disney+, doom, doom eternal, friends, half life alyx, harry potter, hbo, id software, justice league, lootcrate, movies, netflix, onward, pixar, playstation, ps5, regal cinemas, rock and morty, shang chi, star trek, star trek picard, star wars, stranger thiongs, the clone wars, the mandalorian, tv shows, video games, westworld, wonder woman 1984, xbox, xbox series x

    Well things aren't getting better just yet, but they aren't exactly the end of the world. We finally got the official specs for Xbox Series X and PS5. We know how Ashoka is doing in the Clone Wars, and also what her future holds. Some movies are getting delayed, but you'll also get to watch some movies at home at lot sooner then expected. Also a lootcrate has arrived.

  • Episode 97: Beware the Ides of March

    March 18th, 2020  |  39 mins 58 secs
    amc theaters, batman, call of duty modern warfare, call of duty warzone, cancellations, clone wars, cod, comics, command and conquer, coronavirus, covid-19, dc, delays, digimon, disney+, disneyland, dracula, dreams ps4, e3, fast 9, frozen 2, gamestop, guardians of the galaxy, horizon zero dawn, jurassic world dominion, lego, mcu, movies, nba2k, netflix, nfl2k, nintendo, onward, picard, ps5, scream, spider-man, star wars, steam, the joker, tv shows, video games, xbox series x

    Well that escalated quickly. Closures and cancellations everywhere. I honestly just lost about a 2/3rds of content to talk about. Well lets break down the recent delays and everything else in between.

  • Episode 96: Corona Who?

    March 11th, 2020  |  43 mins 59 secs
    007, bafta, batman, batmobile, clone wars, coronavirus, covid-19, dceu, dead or alive, death stranding, disney+, e3, ghosts of tsushima, hbo, james bond, lootcrate, lotr, lucifer, mcu, movies, picard, playstation, roald dahl, star trek, star wars, sxsw, taika, the last of us, the magicians, the mandalorian, thor, top gun, tv shows, uncharted, venom, video games, wandavision

    Well Covid-19 is now really starting to affect all assets of our lives. Its not just sports or school. But other then that we still have some fun stuff to talk about! Riot shows off their new shooter. PlayStation Europe leaks a new star wars game. Disney Plus updates on 2020 shows, Taika is making a Charlie and the Chocolate factory show, The last of us moves to HBO, Uncharted finally has a director. The future of Star Trek in film is in doubt, Bond gets delayed, and then three Loot Crates get un-boxed.


    March 4th, 2020  |  52 mins 45 secs
    batman, bob iger, comics, corona virus, cyberpunk 2077, dceu, destiny 2, disney, disney+, games with gold, hot wheels, jurassic world dominion, konami code, lego, mcu, minifigures, mission impossible, movies, netflix, platinum games, pokemon, pokemon day, ps4, ps5, samurai jack, shadow of the colossus, simpsons, star trek, star trek picard, star wars, studio ghibli, the clone wars, the high republic, the hulk, tv shows, video games, xbox one, xbox series x

    Yes you read that right, RIP to Kazuhisa Hashimoto, creator of the Konami Code. Also this week a whole bunch of Xbox Series X news, The coronavirus is affecting all aspects of the entertainment community, a big shake up at Disney. What is Project Luminous, Pokemon day, and some clone wars and Picard discussion. And Jim Lee usages fears about the fate of DC

  • Episode 94: Leap Hear? Leap Hear, what?

    February 26th, 2020  |  53 mins 54 secs
    batfleck, batman, blizzard, clone wars, corona-virus, dc, diablo, disney, disney+, ea, final fantasy, friends reunion, kingdom hearts, leap year, loot crate, loot wear, mcu, movies, mulan, netflix, pax east, picard, planet of the apes, playstation, rick and morty, sony, star trek, star wars, starcraft, streaming, transformers, tv shows, video games, xbox

    Its the end of February folks! Surprise surprise, EA cancelled another star wars game 😑. We also have more corona-virus cancellations. CBS wants to beef up their streaming. Whats new on Netflix. A new star wars movie? Ben Affleck gets candid? And a big shakeup at DC comics.

  • Episode 93: What is the cost of winning?

    February 19th, 2020  |  56 mins 21 secs
    akira, anthem, batman, batsuit, bioware, cod, dark knights metal, dceu, disney, disney+, e3, hbo, he-man, hq trivia, indiana jones, jurassic world, knives out, lootcrate, lootwear, lucifer, mcu, mighty ducks, movies, need for speed, netflix, playstation, pokemon, ps4, ps5, remedy entertainment, sonic, sony, square enix, star wars, stranger things, tv shows, video games, warner bros, wes anderson, xbox, xbox series x

    In this weeks rendition of NNN we go over some interesting tidbits in the gaming world? How much will the PS5 cost, what will Anthems future hold? Will E3 ever truly recover from its losses? Also on the agenda: how does Netflix do it? Hopper Lives!!!!! Also that new Batsuit is pretty freakin sweet!

  • Episode 92: And the Ennie goes to....

    February 12th, 2020  |  54 mins 35 secs
    academy awards, activision, batman, bojack horseman, cod, dceu, disney, disney+, doctor strange, harley quinn, indiana jones, lucasfilm, matrix 4, mcu, modern warfare, movies, netflix, next gen, playstation, sam raimi, star wars, the fast and the furious, the oscars, tv shows, video games, xbox

    How fitting that we talk about the 92nd Academy Awards during our 92nd episode. We also discuss the departure of two major gaming executives. Got premier dates for Disney+ exclusives. and a review of birds of prey!

  • Episode 91: The Nerdy Bowl LIV

    February 5th, 2020  |  47 mins
    arroverse, arrow, atari, bill and ted, dc, f9, falcon and winter soldier, final fantasy vii, lethal weapon, loki, mcu, movies, netflix, nintendo, playstation, pokemon, star wars, the batman, the fast and the furious, tv shows, video games, wandavision, xbox

    Well the Super Bowl happened. Lets talk about those commercials! Also a Fast 9 trailer. News on the Batman. Pokemon Home gets an info dump. Disney+ marvel is finally shown off. Arrow Series finale is a bit of a bust... and whats coming from the Transformers world.

  • Episode 90: Reality Gives Nothing Back

    January 29th, 2020  |  47 mins 9 secs
    altered carbon, cbs all access, dc, disney plus, horizon zero dawn, kobe, loot crate, loot wear, marvel, movies, netflix, obi-wan kenobi, ps5, star trek picard, star wars, star wars the clone wars, tv shows, ubisoft, universal studios, video games, xbox series x

    This episode is for Kobe and Gianna. This week, more game delays. Hints at what might be next for Ubisoft and Guerilla games. We finally know the ports on a series X. Picard review, is the Obi-Wan show in trouble? Whats coming and leaving Netflix, Patrick Stewart on the future of Charles Xavier, Colin Trevorrow confirms rumors, Justice League Dark incoming? and Loot Wear.

  • Episode 89: Its the Season for Delaying

    January 22nd, 2020  |  1 hr 13 mins

    Well just about every game is getting delayed isn't it? We also have news regarding Sony's E3 plans new Fighters in Smash Ultimate. GTAV is the best in the decade. Crisis on infinite earths roundup (how bout that cameo?). News for the Peacock streaming service. HBOMax show news, potential star wars shows in the works. Morbius is meh, Trevorrow's star wars script leaks and is just ok, Bad Boys for Life and the oscar noms.

  • Episode 88: CES! I choose you!

    January 15th, 2020  |  49 mins 43 secs
    1917, amazon, amd, australia, card games, ces, dceu, frozen 2, gpu, hans zimmer, harley quinn, james bond, lotr, mission impossible, movies, netflix, new mutants, picard, playstation, pokemon, ps5, ray tracing, star trek, the batman, the flash, thor, tv shows, twitch, video games, warner bros, witcher, xbox, xbox series x

    CES roundup. Major Pokemon news from Nintendo. Shakeup at the MCU. What is Warner Bros. thinking? and a review of 1917

  • Episode 87: The Golden Flat Earths

    January 8th, 2020  |  42 mins 11 secs
    2020, dceu, dragon quest, funko pop, golden globes, gta 5, halo, joker, lootcrate, mcu, movies, new mutants, next gen, ps5, star wars, succession, tarantino, tech specs, thor, tv shows, uncharted, video games, x-men, xbox game pass, xbox series x

    Nick talks about the Golden Globes. What he is looking forward to most this year. Some next gen specs leak. Disney+ news. Star Wars followup part deux, DCEU speculation and more.

  • Episode 86: Nick's Nerd New Year vol. 2

    January 1st, 2020  |  32 mins 36 secs
    amazon prime video, avatar sequels, cats, deadpool 3, disney plus, jurassic park, jurassic world evolution, kojima, lootcrate, mandalorian, marvel, movies, netflix, planet zoo, playstation, rise of skywalker, smugglers bounty, sonic, star wars, steam, top 10, tv shows, video games, xbox

    Well nothing to see here folks, just the end of a year and a decade. Not a whole lot of news going on, just a wrap up for 2019 with Nick's Top 10 in gaming, TV and movies. And some news sprinkled in, DEADPOOL 3 anyone?

  • Episode 85: The Rise of NNN

    December 25th, 2019  |  50 mins 35 secs
    birds of prey, call of duty modern warfare, capcom, dino crisis, jackass 4, lego, mcu, movies, mtv, netflix, onward, picard, pixar, ps4, red dead redemption, rick and morty, star trek, star wars, star wars the rise of skywalker, the withcher, top gun, tv shows, video games, watcmen, xbox

    This week all that really matters is that Nick talks about The Rise of Skywalker. Otherwise i guess there is also Star Trek, Dino Crisis, Rick and Morty, Bill and Ted 3, and the best news, JACKASS is coming back baby!